Who We Are ?
Global Community of Yerba Mate Lovers
YerbaMateReviews.com is a database of yerba mate reviews all created by YOU. With hundreds of thousands of yerba mate brands to choose from, there is no telling what they will taste like, feel like, smell like, and more, until now…
This one-of-a-kind website allows registered materos from around the world to rank, rate, and review all of your favorite yerba mate brands! Although we encourage you to sign-up (it’s free) and to share your experiences with us all, you can still browse and read reviews by others so you can find the right yerba mate for you.
You may search for a specific brand you have in mind. Or, if you’re looking for something new to try, use any of our 10 filters to narrow down the exact type of yerba mate you want. Whatever it is, we hope you enjoy and make good use of this site on your yerba mate journey.